3 Indoor Firewood Storage Ideas

December 15, 2020 | Fireplace Basics

A fireplace is the focal point in any room. You probably love lighting a new fire in it every day, and enjoying the warmth and calm that follows. Here at Chimney Champions, we love fireplaces and are dedicated to keeping chimneys and fireplaces clean. We also love to provide some tips and tricks for homeowners. So, if you’re tired of venturing back and forth from the woodpile to your fireplace, here are our indoor firewood storage ideas. You can thank us later!

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Ethanol Fireplaces

February 28, 2019 | Chimney Basics

What are Ethanol Fireplaces? Ethanol fireplaces are a ventless decorative fireplace that use bioethanol as the fuel source. Bioethanol is made from fermenting the sugar and starch components of organic matter so it is a eco-friendly. When using this style decorative fireplace, the UL listing of the product indicates that they are safe for use without a flue or chimney. Ethanol Pros and Cons Pros – When using most ethanol fireplaces, they do not produce soot or smoke so the system and your home remain clean after use. Ethanol fireplaces can be used in homes that were not originally designed with a fireplace. With the addition of an ethanol fireplace, you can have the ambiance but will not have to design a flue system. Also, the lack of venting system allows for unique designs such as the system below. Cons – While ethanol is considered a cleaner burn than typical … Continued

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