When you think about the wood-burning fireplace in your home, do you ever consider all the benefits? In addition to keeping your home warm or creating a cozy ambiance, there are several other benefits that you might not even consider. Just as long as Chimney Champions inspects your chimney and fireplace regularly, you’ll go on to enjoy all of these great benefits for years to come.
1. Focal Point of the Room
If you’re looking for a conversation starter in your living room or seating area, the fireplace can do just that. In any home, a wood-burning fireplace instantly becomes the room’s focal point. Like the kitchen, people are just drawn to a fireplace’s warmth and coziness, so it’s a great place to gather with friends and family.
2. Home Value Booster
Many people enjoy the crackling sound and warm ambiance of a wood-burning fireplace. But did you know that having a wood-burning fireplace can also boost the value of your home? Because wood-burning fireplaces are relatively rare, they can be a major selling point for potential buyers. In fact, homes with wood-burning fireplaces are shown to sell for significantly more than similar homes without fireplaces.
3. Safe & Cost-Effective
Unlike gas fireplaces, wood-burning fireplaces are safer and more cost-effective. Burning gas can get expensive, but finding cheap or even free firewood is never difficult. Additionally, you can control the flame of a wood-burning fireplace more easily than you can with gas. With a gas fireplace, the pilot light always stays lit, but with wood, you can extinguish the flame completely.
Get an Inspection Scheduled Today
Now’s the time for a chimney inspection from Chimney Champions! We’re proud to serve residents in and around Jacksonville, FL, offering superior customer service and expertise. We even do chimney sweeps and can make simple repairs. So, give us a call today at (904) 268-7200 and schedule your appointment.