It’s Breeding Season for Federally-Protected Chimney Swifts!

July 5, 2018 | Inspections

Thinking of Removing Birds from Your Chimney?  …Not So Fast!!Every year, the appropriately-named Chimney Swifts migrate to North America from Peru during springtime, and commonly build their nests inside of chimneys.  Their glue-like saliva allows them to attach their nests onto the inside wall of your chimney.  This species of birds (Chaetura pelagica) is federally-protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, therefore it is against federal law to remove or disturb them – or their active nests – during their breeding season without a Federal Migratory Bird Depredation Permit.  Breeding season typically lasts until around the end of the summer, but you can check out this interactive migration map to learn more about their migration habits!Though their chirping can be loud and bothersome, Chimney Swift hatchlings typically leave their nests around 30 days after hatching.  To help prevent the youngsters from falling down your chimney shaft, you should make sure your … Continued

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