When it’s chilly outside, it’s nice to make your home warm inside. This is the time of year when everyone looks to use their fireplaces for quick warmth and relaxing ambience. Unfortunately, however, this is also the most common time of year for house fires caused by dirty fireplaces.

Just this past weekend, Savannah Fire Rescue had to cut holes in a Tatem Street home to put out a chimney fire. The fireplace was dirty, and long overdue for a professional cleaning and inspection; however, it was used anyway.
Firefighters everywhere see this sort of problem more than you may realize – even in Florida!
This is a common danger that can be easily prevented by having your chimney professionally cleaned and inspected by a CSIA-Certified Chimney Sweep, and making sure it is safe BEFORE using it.
Call Chimney Champions® at 904-268-7200, or book online to schedule your service today!