Most homeowners remember the significance of regular heating and cooling system maintenance. Yet, many forget to include an annual chimney inspection and, thus, encounter frustrations with fireplace use. Thankfully, Chimney Champions is adamant about reminding homeowners of the importance of regular inspections. We even offer two different levels of inspections so you can guarantee your chimney is well-cared for. But how do you choose the right level? Let us explain the differences.

Level 1
Chimney Champions’ Level 1 inspection is ideal for established homeowners who want an annual check on their chimneys. Our technicians will do an initial assessment, look for any flue, cover, or lining damage, and sweep the chimney of any flammable buildup. Upon completion, you’ll get a detailed report, images, and any repair recommendations we feel necessary. Lastly, our Level 1 inspection is ideal for those who haven’t changed the chimney’s structure and will continue using the system as-is. We highly recommend this inspection and sweep every one to three years, depending on your use.
Level 2
Chimney Champions’ Level 2 inspection is highly recommended for any real estate transaction. Whether you’re the buyer or the seller, we proudly serve both. The Level 2 inspection and sweep assess the chimney structure, carefully removes debris, and include a full cleaning of the system. We even use our infrared technology to detect moisture issues. Upon completion, you’ll get a detailed report, images, and repair recommendations. Additionally, Level 2 is highly recommended for homeowners who have never had a chimney inspection or for those who have made modifications to the unit.
Find the Best Service for Your Home
Not sure which Chimney Champions inspection level is right for you? Then take our inspection quiz to help answer that question. Once you have your recommended service, give us a call at (904) 268-7200. We proudly serve residents throughout Jacksonville, FL, and we’ll even replace that chimney cap or cover.